Art & Science pt.1

Art & Science pt.1

                        As I have always been interested in science as well as art, I plan to write  a series in my blog about this fascinating subject. So let's kick off with a quote of a scientist who has contributed in a major way to arguably the largest the shapeshift in science ever. A paradigm shift that actually no one can really comprehend, not even the scientists themselves. The discoveries made and brought together in what is called Quantum Physics, are so profoundly weird, that it goes against everything we believe to be true. Still the 'laws' of quantum physics are verified time and time again. But anyone who claims to truly understand quantum physics, surely doesn't. Scientists work with Q.M., but really understanding is a different animal.
We enter the realm where scientific language is not enough to cover the matter, we need more. Moreover, we need to get our consciousness into the equation as well. Aren't we moving towards art then?
 Here's the quote from Niels Bohr, one of the founding fathers of Quantum Mechanics and the main advocate for the Kopenhagen Interpretation of Q.M. He had many discussions with Einstein, who although at the cradle of quantum mechanics (together with Ernst Mach), did not believe in probability aspect of Q.M. "God does not throw the dice." Einstein has said repeatedly. Still it seems that 'something' throws the dice, maybe even our own consciousness. But that is only wild speculation.

                          We must be clear that when it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry. The poet, too, is not nearly so concerned with describing facts as with creating images and establishing mental connections.         Niels Bohr